the langford skin clinic

Derma-Lux Tri-Wave MD

Illuminate Your Skin's Radiance with Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD

Derma-Lux Tri-Wave MD

Illuminate Your Skin's Radiance with Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD


What is Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD?
Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD is a revolutionary skincare treatment that harnesses the power of advanced LED technology to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. By utilizing targeted wavelengths of light, this non-invasive procedure stimulates cellular activity, promoting collagen production and enhancing overall skin health.

What to expect during the treatment?
As you indulge in the Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD experience, you'll feel a gentle warmth on your skin as the targeted wavelengths work their magic. The procedure is painless and relaxing, providing you with a spa-like escape. The lights penetrate deep into your skin, activating natural processes that leave you with a refreshed and revitalized appearance.

One of the remarkable advantages of Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD is the minimal downtime it requires. Unlike more invasive procedures, you can resume your daily activities immediately after treatment. Your skin may have a slight pinkish hue, which quickly fades, revealing the subtle transformation beneath..

The cost starts at £75 per treatment but discounted courses are available.

Price List

£75 per session
Course of 10 £600
Add on to any other treatment £45


Youthful Glow

Experience a radiant complexion as Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restoring a youthful, luminous glow to your skin.

Even Skin Tone

Say goodbye to uneven pigmentation. This treatment works wonders in balancing skin tone, reducing redness, and promoting a more uniform complexion.

Firm and Tighten

Rejuvenate your skin's elasticity and firmness. Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD promotes collagen synthesis, resulting in tighter, more resilient skin.

Holistic Skin Wellness

Beyond aesthetics, enjoy the holistic benefits of improved skin wellness. This treatment helps combat environmental damage, promoting long-term skin health.

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Derma-Lux Tri-Wave MD

Arrange a Complimentary Consultation

Elevate your beauty routine with Dermal LED Tai-Wave MD. Book your session today and embark on a journey to radiant, age-defying skin.

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